Valuing Voices for Equitable and Responsible Research


  • Charlie Jeffery

    University of York

  • Nopraenue Dhirathiti

    Mahidol University

Project summary

Valuing Voices for Equitable and Responsible Research will embed equitable and responsible practices in research design and delivery across all research activities at York. Grounded in expertise spanning career stage, academic/professional roles, and disciplinary boundaries, the project team will co-create and implement interventions to develop research practitioners, stakeholder and global partnerships, and ensure responsible and reflexive practice throughout the research lifecycle. The central project output will be a dynamic Framework for Equitable and Responsible Research (hereafter, the Framework) that guides users through the application of ten core principles to their research. The Framework directly addresses barriers to positive research culture by instigating a culture of continuous reflection, evaluation, learning from success and failure, and puts teamwork at the heart of research culture. To achieve this, we will pilot complementary interventions in participatory and open research practice, exploring workable solutions for identified cultural challenges, testing and refining the Framework, and providing necessary infrastructure for new ways of working. We will create fundamental culture change at York, redefining working practices and sharing them nationally and internationally. This will be achieved through full stakeholder engagement, tools to enable transition, training of key staff in implementation, and development of measurable and scalable outcomes.